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Gold Expeditions

It is important to state firstly that participants do not have to complete their expedition with school. They can undertake an open expedition with an outside activity approved provider details can be found on the dofe website 


Participants will have the option to either undertake a walking or canoeing expedition at Gold.

Mandatory Training


There is a minimum level of training in each award that participants must undertake, however you must have your supervisor's approval before you are able to undertake the qualifying expedition - this may mean undertaking more training than the minimum requirement.


Before undertaking your assessment you must attend and pass the gold training weekend and the planning day. The planning time slot will be dependent on the date you choose for your assessment.


IF you are a direct entrant then you must also complete the direct entrant core skills weekend (non residential).


FULL ATTENDANCE IS MANDATORY - You will be not be released for sports events or any other activities either involving or outside of school during any of the training or expedition. 


Numbers are restricted to 24 students per event for canoeing and 28 students per event for walking. So please book your training weekends and expedition early to avoid disappointment!


Expedition Dates

All students must complete 1 each of the following:


If you are a direct entrant and/or are wanting to undertake a canoeing expedition but didn’t complete a canoeing expedition at Silver, you must attend the Direct Entrant Gold Core Skills Training Weekend:






Prices Include:


Walking: the expeditions being staffed by qualified mountain leaders and backup safety personnel, provision of tents and camping equipment, campsite fees and transport from and return to Pate's.


Canoeing: the expeditions being staffed by qualified canoe instructors and backup safety personnel, provision and transport of canoes, river licence and launch fees, provision of tents and camping equipment, campsite fees and transport from and return to Pate's.



Natalie Berry

DofE Manager 

Outdoor Education Department


Please send all DofE queries to the OED team:               

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